Deaths are incurred by occupational accidents and illnesses worldwide each year.
non-fatal injuries are additionally reported; causing extended work absences.
Equivalent to 4% of the world’s GDP, is lost annually due to work-related diseases and illnesses.
Labour Crown
Keeps Workers Safe
Next Generation of Work Safety: Transferring The Power of IoT from the Sensor to the Network!
Optimized by evolution, uncovered by innovation.

The Sensors!
We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

Measuring the Work Environment
By hiring our hardwood flooring services, you can transform the style of your entire house or a particular room easily. We repair, purchase, design and install quality flooring at unbeatable prices.
Flexible, Scalable and Robust Wireless IoT Connectivity!
Labour Crown is a wireless connectivity platform purpose-built for complex construction workers’ IoT sensor networks. Labour Crown makes work safety more accessible. it’s cheaper, it’s smaller, it’s smarter, and it’s easier to use. You no longer have to behind a desk to be safe while you work. For years construction workers and employers have waited for work safety solutions to become available, but the price, complicated planning and destructive commissioning prevents the leap. We’ve overcome all these hurdles to realize the dreams of multitudes who want it, but can’t afford it. Well, now they can.
Labour Crown Opens up a safe world for your construction workers!
Using our technology many lives and dollars are saved!
Easy Installation!
Using any of our sensor devices is as easy as wear the uniform and play. We can equip a construction project with 280 workers in less than 2 hours!
Manage your own construction site!
With Labour Crown’s gateway and cloud server, you can deploy your own site style network. This all-in-one network management platform provides device on and off-boarding, cloud and backend integration and network troubleshooting.
Easy Expansion
You Can start by a worker and add to the number of workers at your construction site any time you want, its completely expandable.
our product
Keeps Workers Safe with our product's
shoes with height sensor
Lets Make Workers’ Life Safer!
If you are interested in carrying our products in your physical or online store, or want to import these products to your country click here. Contact usBecome a distributor
If you are and engineer, contractor, or construction company interested in using our products in your business click here. Contact usBecome a contractor